The most recent games aren’t necessarily the best games of the year however, they’re the ones that stand out most. They’re the ones that you’ll be talking about and playing long after they’re released regardless of whether it’s because of their captivating stories, the enveloping atmospheres, or their utterly unrelenting gameplay.

While most sequels are iterative improvements on an existing formula, XCOM 2 rises above its predecessors thanks to an innovative perspective and a revamped combat system which offers an endless number of possibilities for players with experience. It’s among the few games to be both kid-friendly and mature, with a great factor that doesn’t compromise its quality of play.

Brutal Legend, the first non-Squaresoft title that uses Unreal Engine 4, proves that old school action can still be a powerful game. The game is a riot of nostalgia, combining the stark beauty and majestical qualities found in PS1 classics with modern action games.

Despite some of the most boring grinds in the genre, Spec Ops: The Line is a fantastic shooter that’s more focused on story than before. It’s the most interesting installment to date in the series, featuring an eerie setting that’s relatable yet hard to empathise and a character who’s both relatable but also difficult to empathise.

Despite the absence or lack of new content, Final Fantasy XIV has been able to get back into the favor of fans following a downturn with Warlords of Draenor. The game’s revival is the result of PS Plus access a renewed focus on storytelling, and the commitment of the development team to keep improving the basic experience with a variety of extensions that make it one of the few subscriptions to an MMO you’ll wish to stay with.

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