
Companies can use the information generated by customers to improve their products and services in order to satisfy the needs of their customers. The appropriate analytics tool is vital to reaching business goals such as increased engagement, higher sales and more efficient operations.

To choose a tool, start by determining what types of data you’d like to integrate and how to do it. Certain tools are designed for traditional enterprise reporting while others are made to help you conduct advanced mathematical analyses or track sensitive data such as health data. It is also important to consider the way that the analytics tools you’re considering will fit into your existing workflow systems and data architecture.

Certain tools provide an iterative experience for data scientists as well as advanced users, whereas others are designed to allow non-technical or people who are not experts in data to perform point-and click analysis. You should also be aware of the tools for data visualization and the features provided by each tool. Some tools are designed to create visual charts while others require SQL or third-party tools in order to model the data before it can be analysed.

After narrowing your options down, think about the cost and whether the platform is dependent on software licenses or subscription fees. Some tools are completely free, whereas others require an upfront investment as well as ongoing maintenance fees. Be sure to weigh these costs to the potential benefits from the insights and efficiencies gained by using the analytics tool.

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